Salam...For my next entry, I would like to talk about….hahahaha..mepek sekejap k..sori..tringt zaman tulis blog tem blaja lu..haaha…tp arini entry ni bukn psl tu pasl my BABY, my PRINCESS and my SOULMATE…This entry specifically nk cite tntg penaglaman ku bermalam di rumah bakal mentua ku.. (huhuhu,really hope so dear)…
Seperti biasa, sebulan sekali aku memg akn pergi kuantan utk jmpa my baby kali ni ku dikejutkn ngn berita yg first2nya wat seluruh badan ku terketar2 yg teramat k…cmni beritanya :
BABY : Syg, ayah suwoh tido umah bila dtg kali ni..
AKU : Hah!! Xnk ar ar b..segan kot..serius segan, mie tido hotel je la cm biasa
AKU: Serius ke., ckp le mie lpak lu kt bndar,ptg nnti br pg....
BABY : B dh ckp tp diorg pksa g syg dtg..diorg suwoh b g ambil syg esok pagi..
AKU :Ok le cm tu b..
Sumpah weyh,sgt2 tkt tem tu dh nk bertunang,nk berkahwin dh aku rasa..hahaha..first mmg tkt teramat lma2 bila pikir, aku mula yakin n tersenyum sorg2 gak sumtimes cuz pikir maybe family syg aku ni dh terima aku..n my Baby pun ckp, ni 1st tem dia wat aku pun happy bangat seyh..Se[njg perjalanan tu mmg mix feeling k,tkt,nerves, happy,excited sume ada yg plg pnting nk jumpa my baby..miss her so dam much..rindu sgt2 busyuk aku tu..(by the way,dia mmg busyuk k..huhuhu,tp sy x kisah :P)..
Setibanya aku di Kuantan pagi Baby pg dtg jmput aku..ngn muka ngntuk dia tu..ngn x mandi sume dtg ek b..huhuhu..happy sgt jmpa dia,rindu hidung besar baby aku sgt2..lpas tu gerak ar pegi umah dia..erm,bila dh nk smpai tu,tok sah ckp le..mmg dtg balik penyakit Parkinson aku tuh..ketar gak satu bdn,awek aku lak leh tinggal aku sorg2..msk trus lam umah kan..aku pun tng2kn le diri jap then msk la dlm..n sperti biasa Acik menymbut bkal Ayah Cu dia ni dgn penuh senyuman.. (mybe sbb aku belikn dia jeruk kot..),,tem tu Ayah xde kt umah..tgh meeting bersama jiran kta aku pun pg la ltk brg lam bilik.breakfast ngn awek aku smntra tgg ayah dia balik..erm,love this moment,cam married couple pun ada..hahaha..gedik skjap..Then,ayah dia pun balik,aku pun bersalamn la ngn ayah mentua ku tu..berborak2 seketika sblm ku ngn awek ku bersiap2 utk berdating2,bergedik2 di bndar..huhuhu..erm..tensen gak le tunggu dia ni..aku yg mndi slpas dia pun kna tggu dia bersiap kan..menda le dia watkn..
Then sebelom kami kuar,kami ditnyakn soaln panas oleh ayah awek aku tu..huhuhu..dia tny aku,nk gi Telok Cempedak ke?hahaha..soalan kontroversi abis..dh tu.pesanan dia kt awek aku lak buny cmni.Kuar elok2,jgn smpai kna cekup..hahahaha..Ayah,jgn risau memg nakal tp sy syg anak ayah sgt2..x wt bnda2 x elok k..slalunya kan anak ayah yang buli sy k..huhuhu..Then kami pun kuar,pegi ke Ecm dulu sbb nk tgk toy story 3 3D..hurm..mula2 cita tu aku terlentok sketika atas bahu awk aku tu..mybe letih sbb nek bus mlm tu n cita dia mula2 slow sket plg pntg sdp je lnding atas awek aku tuh..huhuhu..then lpas tu g mkn pizza hut kt mega..n acara plg bes dn hbt aritu ialah men Air 3 round..n x ku sngka 3 kali aku seri ngn dia..pergh..ingt gi last tem aku men ngn dia..mng mudah k..hurm..hbt gak le awek aku ni..huhuhu..(erm,sbnrnykan,aku sj je kasi seri aritu..nk jaga hati awek ku tu,,kang masam lak muka dia)..huhuhu..lpas tu kami pun balik le umah..balik umah, the dtg..nerves gak la tp the tu peramah so leh ngm ngn dia..n plg bes,,mkn mlm ngn family dia..sumpah aku happy..erm,family ku tggl ber3 dinner x la meriah cm family awk mlm tu mmg bes ar…lauk plak sardine..pergh..mmg bes la aku kn..haha..ayah beli telur penyu utk mkn tp ku x brni le nk try cuz tgk awk ku smpai smpai luah balik telur tu..huhu..baby2..lpas makn,layan le karenah2 anak ateh bersama awek aku..klaka n comel2 diorg baby aku gak..Cuma diorg putih n gigi tersusun je..x cm awek aku..hahaha..Mlm 2 aku tmn awek ku wat rayuan upu dia smbil,,happy sgt2..seriusly,dpt tgk muka org tersyg spnjng x happy,dpt tgk dia snyum,dpt tgk dia msm..huhu..comel sgt2..X SBAR NAK KAWEN AR.SUMPAH X SABAR..sorry kalo over skjp..haha..
Esok harinya bermula dgn bes skali…bila ku terjaga dr tido,tgk awek aku tghkejutkn aku…”Bang,bgn bang,mkn pagi k,jom..”.hahaha..alangkh besnya kalo hakikatny dia kejot cm nk gaduh n siap kna cmpak selimut g..hahaha..jgn pikir len k..dia mmg gns tp cmtu la cara dia bermnja ngn sy.. :P,lpas tu breakfast n tgk dia vakum n kmas2 umah..pergh..smpai skang tringt cara dia vakum..erm..ksian vakum tu..gnas tol awek aku sorg ni..huhuhu..lpas tu pun siap2 cuz my baby nk gi kajang ke umah abg dia..kmi siap2 n gerak ke terminal bus..pukul 2.30 nek le bus..erm,spnjng perjalanan tu mmg aku rimaskn dia le....cubit pipi dia la..tarik hidung dia,sndr kt bahu dia sume..haha..mmg cm melekat je bdn aku kt dia.sorry baby tp bkn slalu kan..huhuhu..pukul 7 lbh cmtu..kmi pun smpai le kt kajang..erm..smpai2 je…kami gi cari tiket ke penang utk aku..nsb aku baik cuz tiket g penang ada kol 9 mlm tu..lpas tu..awek aku pun kal le abg dia..tgg le smpai abg dia dtg…b4 abang dia dtg..smpat le borak2 n my fav. thing bout this relationship is a kiss on her forehead…sgt2 suka k baby..bila abg dia dtg..aku jmpa le abg dia..erm..tem tu mmg sdh sgt..sebak gak thn for the time I had wif u when I’m at ur home,my time wif u..erm..really hope sumday,I will spend the rest of my time wif u k b..forever..n len kali..jgn gns sgt k b..huhuhu..lmbut le sket..Last but not least, kim slam kt fmily..kata nanti AYAH CU dtg lagi k … ;P
Erm....cmne nk mulakan entry kali ni ek..kali ni special sket ar sbb aku tulis entry ni sblh yang tersayang aku ni...huhuhuhu...Segan memang segan tp aku dh jnji nk tulis entry ni sbelah dia dh lama dah...Aku x sanggup tgk bermasam muka tu...hahaha...comel siot...kdg2 aku sj je perli dia or kasi dia geram smata2 nk tgk muka masam dia tu...hurm,salah satu sbb napa aku ni sygkn dia kot...tapi akhirnya,aku stop gak cuz segan kot…hahaha..xleh nk tulis sblh dia,gi pun dia asyik curi2 tgk (koya stadi konon..caitt)..hahaha
4 bulandh berlalu,even baru je kapel tp dh mcm2 gak kami harungi... mesti jemu kan dgr ayat ni tp mmg realitinya kami dh knal lbh dlm antara satu sama lain..kisah silam dn segala peristiwa dlm hidup kami bukan rahsia lagi k. Erm…jujurnya,lpas kami knal lebh rapat tntg diri msg2..memg xleh nafikan k…perasaan kecewa tu ada..hurm,sy thu awak pun rasa bnda yg sama k…awk nk tahu x sy jeles k ngn awk..kdg2 sy menyesal sbb cerita kish silam kita cuz bnda tu kita wat wktu kita x matang gi…awk sendiri ckpkn…tp cm biasa la..pengalamn membuat kita dewasa…so let’s move forward k dear…sbb lpas ni, apa yg kita perlu fikir just masa depan kita turning back, it just u n me now.
SAYANG…..awak nk tahu x sy memang xleh hidup tnpa awk k..awk pernah kta sy hebat tp sbnrnya awk gi super hebat k…since kita kawn gi,everyday I am hoping that u will msg me..everyday k..walopn ego,tp sy mmg tggu..hahahaha…bila awk msg sy,sy sngaja je wat reply lmbt2 cuz xnk tunjuk beria2 sbnrny bila dpt je msg awk,muka dh tersenyum lbr kot....kdg2 ada la melompat2 sket sbb rindu sgt kot…hahaha…tp skang awk HARTA sy…sy tahu sy leh ms gawk bila2 masa je,leh call bila2 sj sy suka(unless org tertido or bgn tido lewat…phm2 je la bf awk ni)..hurm,walopun jauh kan tp x terasa sgt..cuz sy akan ms gawk bila2 masa je..even ganggu awk dlm klas, even sy tgh mndi pun bwk hp dlm toilet k..tgk tu,x hbt gi ke awk..nsb xleh 3g..hahaha..syg,sy nak awk tahu,syg x pernah jemu,bosan or ada apa2 perasaan yg negative psl bnda ni k..i want to be wif u 4 every minute in my life k..nk tahu x..sumtimes kan,org hipokrit sgt2…bila dh lewat mlm slalu suwoh wk tido dlm hati,mmg btol2 org xnk..cuz nk je bersama awk.layan awk majok…cam ngn awk..tgk muka msm awk,tgk pipi tembam org suwoh tido cuz kebaikan awk gak k..ari2 tido lwat,wat org risau je,dh tu keesokan harinya bila ngntok ngn penat…org gak jd mgsa ke”moody”an awk tu..hahaha..n sumtimes kan,bila awk tido je,trus org x ngntok….erm,jangn marah k..tahu x bila org ckp org xleh tido mlm tu…actually org tggu awk bgn pagi n make sure kal awk n msg2 awk lu br la org leh tido..huhuhu..sory k syg…walopn awk kdg2 x nmpk org rindukn syg,tp ni one of the reasons btapa org rindu sgt2 kt syg..
SAYANG…minta maaf sbb sgt2 jeles n kongkong awk k….syg pun tahu kan pangai org cmne..even kawn2 awk pun kta org ni kuat jeles..hurm,ntah la..dh bnyk kali org cuba ubah tp org still jeles gak..awk pun tahu(sori nk ungkit sket)…ngn ex mie tu,xl truk sgt ngn awk ni len sket…cuz org memg sgt2 sygkn awk k…org pasti cinta mie kt awk teguh k..bukan men2 cm zaman kita x mtg tu..erm,mybe sbb mie rasa awk tu milik mie..sbb tu sifat kuat jeles tu mkn mnjadi2..mie akan cuba berubah k syg tp mie akan sentiasa jeles kt awk k..cuz u r my angel k..awk sgt2 manis,sgt2 cantik n plg penting personality awk sngt2 comel…mudah je nk wat laki tertarik kt awk..termsk le mie ni memg org aka jeles kt syg mie ni…SAYANG…sori sbb mie ni lelaki yang ego k..syg pun thu kan..laki ni memang ego..dh mmg sebati dh ngn kami..n sbb ego,kita slalu gaduhkn..sumtime even wat syg nngis…hurm…org mintak maaf sgt2 mmg x ska syg nangis..xnk tgk muka comel tu sedih2..nk sentiasa je tersnyum nmpk gigi syg tu..huhuhu..syg,pelik x kalo org kta,sumtime org ego sbb sygkan awk..hurm, I love u so much dear,sumtimes org ego n cpt trasa cuz org nk awk tahu org sygkan awk..walo cmne kita gaduh pun,org nk awk tahu bnda tu..n bila org ego,org lmbt sgt cool down…sdgkn dlm ati ni dh sbr2 nk pujuk awk,nk gedik2 balik ngn awk…huhu..sori k syg…give me time for me to get rid of my ego tahu org akan berubah janji k..sbb syg pun,org dh bnyk ubah sikap negative org to positive,syg mmg teman yg baik dlm hidup org…org harap sgt2 syg akn bimbing org utk slama2ny k..cuz org tahu,org akan hnya layak jd bf syg bila syg happy je k..
SAYANG….Rohayati Binti Zakaria…u r unbelievable..u r amazing k..apa yang org doa slama ni mcm dh termakbul bila syg muncul dlm hidup org…yup,kita baru je kapel 4 bulan…tp kita dh knal 4 almost 2 years, n mula simpan prasaan antra satu sma lain for one year (btol ke syg,or org ni koya je..hehehe). Org mmg bahagia sgt2 ngn awk k…sgt2 bahagia..smkn lama knal awk..smakin happy,smkn hari smkn syg le org kata..huhuhu…org tahu perasaan ni xkn pudar k..ur my everthing..huhuhu…I’ll do anything to make u happy k ni mcm dh kna queen control kdg2… bila tgk muka awk msm tu,suara majok awk tu…pergh…cair siot…hilmi yg sbenarny bukn cmni k…so this hilmi is just for rohayati je..huhuhu…syg, bila org peril hidung syg kembang ngn gigi berterabur tu jgn le amek hati,org gurau je la…comel kot..nk tahu x,,bnda yg org selalu peril ni dulu le yg wat kita rapat..ingt x dulu org slalu pggil awk buncit,busuk,pendek dn mcm2 gi wat cuz nk cari pont nk bahn awk,nk buli awk..cuz bnda ni je la org leh buli syg mie ni…bnda len kalo mie je kna buli sokmo,merah2 bdn ni ha kna cubit…hahaha..Syg, awk tahu kn mie ni serius ngn akan usaha sungguh 2k utk pstikn jodoh mie ngn syg…org memang x rela nk lpaskn syg k… Org x pernah jemu saying I love you everyday…harap sgt dpt ucap kta2 ni forever k… Syg, I just feel complete when you're by my side..u make me happy dear, Cause you were made for me. Somehow I'll make you see how happy you make me. I can't live this life without you by my side. I need you to survive. So stay with me. Even though masa depan kita msh jauh lagi,org janji,I’ll give my everything 4 this relationship n hoping that the future yang kita nak tu…we’ll get,bantu org,tabah ngn org…org xperlukn apa2…just need u beside me every second of my life… Promies k syg? :p
Sebelum arap syg maafkan syg x spndai awk nk wat cntik2..x pndai berkata2 just mampu luah apa yang org rasa kt syg je k... :p
“SYUKUR….ALHAMDULILLAH…” ....Hampir mengalir air mata adalah ungkapan dan perasaan aku pada tarikh 03/01/10 adalah tarikh yang x dpt aku lupa…tarikh keramat ni adalah hari aku tahu perasaan aku berbalas, cinta ku disambut si dia dan hati ku ni x bertepuk sebelah tangan…Perasaan ni aku alami kerana hanya seorg insan…insan yangbernama Rohayati binti Zakaria… Hatiku pernah terluka sebelum ni…dan serius aku rasa mmg xnak alami perasaan ni semua tu sebelum aku jumpa si dia…Yatie Kpm..huhuhu…nma dia dlm hp aku,nma pnggilan ku kepada dia ketika dulu…Erm,bukan nak poyo aku rasa aku jatuh cinta pndng pertama kat dia…first aku jumpa n terpandang dia(stelah 3 sem kat kolej tu…hahahaha) tem br balik dr pdg…ketika tu dia tgh beli air ngn kawn2 dia…membe aku si ikmal ni lak nk beli ari tp x bwk dia pinjm la duit si dia tu..tem tu la first aku terpndg dia,usha x lepas beb(wlopn tem tu tgh rabun…hahaha)…tem tu mula dh rasa sumting kt aku sedar dri lagi..muka cam aku ni xkan dia pndng punya… aku just redha n blah cmtu jer…Tapi ink dijadikn cita…mlm tu tem tgh lepak kat cafe(di sni ku nk bgtahu k,aku sgt2 jrg2 lepak kt cf mlm2 k..)aku nmpk dia on9 ngn kwn2 dia…pergh,tem ni aku x rabun dh..huhu,n aku mmg serius ckp..x ksh cmne pun..aku nk amek risiko…nk knal gak si dia….so aku mintak no kt membe aku n mlm tu gak msg…
Hermmmm…..nak dijadikan cita, aku msg dia tp dia layan lebih kurang je..(sedih gila beb) tp dh jangka…so aku undur diri..Tapi sem tu jugak satu peristiwa plg sedih jadik kat aku…hurm..xpyh le nk cita k..serius sedih..rasa cm xde mkna hidup pun ada…t psi dia puncul kembali dlm hidup aku…beri sokongan..jadi kwn yng baik utk aku..dr situ kami mnjadi rapat..(btol ke rapat?or aku sorg je poyo)…just bila aku kembali yakin n simpan perasaan kt dia..aku terima satu lagi berita buruk… dia dah ada PAKWE..
Down giler beb…cm mmg dia dh ditkdirkn bukn utk aku je…tp sbb syg ngn pershabtn ni,aku teruskn juga wlpn kecewa..sgt2 kecewa..SETAHUN setengah kami kawan…dh mcm2 kami harungi…Setiap ari ku gelisah tunggu msg dr si dia….Aku ngaku aku ni ego n kalo leh nk dia msg lu kat aku…so x kisah pai 4 pagi pun kdg2 ku tunggu msg dr dia…Alhamdulillah..dia x lupa aku,walopn bz dia still wish gud nite kt aku..Aku pun kalo dia x antar tp aku rindu sgt2…aku rendhkn ego aku n antar msg kat dia….
Salah satu kenangn plg x dpt lupa bila saat terakhir aku kt kolej tu..aku kuar ngn dia…tgk wyg n jln2 ngn dia..erm..bes gila wlpon tem 2 sma2 dh hipokrit…berbaloi sgt wlpn seat pgg wyg tu wat aku skt pinggang…PENGAKUAN IKHLAS K: Saya sgt sedih lpas awk blik mlm tu…rasa dh lepaskn sorg yg sgt penting dlm hidup sy..kalo x psl Big Din..mybe dh nangis…huhuhu..
Tapi setiap ari lepas tu…leh kta 24 jam msg si dia…dh cm kapel pun tem tu..huhu..bgn pagi je msti harap msg dr si dia… :p,n singktkn cita ni stlh pnjg ku tulis…3 January 2010 adalah hari kami luahkn perasaan msg2…syukur,perasaan ku berbalas..Aku sgt lega bila ungkapn “I LOVE YOU” kpd si dia dibalas “I LOVE YOU TOO” oleh si dia..SEKARANG NI DAH HAMPIR 4 BULAN DIA MENJADI NADI DAN NYAWA AKU, macam2 yg kami harungi..selisih paham tu mesti ada, asam garam stiap hubungan kan?... TAPI APA YANG PENTING, AKU MEMULAKAN SETIAP HARI AKU DENGAN SI DIA… ROHAYATI ZAKARIA MEBERITAHU UNGKAPAN INI “ LOVE YOU MIE….SAYANG AWAK SGT2”… itu je yang aku perlu tahu dn dengar setiap hari…
Syg, mie sgt2 cintakn awak juga, I’m serious wif u,maafkn mie sbb awk terpaksa than ngn pngai ego org ni…tp just nk awk tahu satu je…Cinta yng mie ckp ari2 bukn just ungkapan biasa k…setiap kali mie ckp cintakn awk…setiap kali tu juga mie beri nyawa mie utk awk jaga…plz bear wif me,janji kita akan bersama walo apa jadi pun k…Looking forward for a very happy future wif u…Love you so much dear……
Halooo there, in this entry, I would to sharewif you about an interesting topics that we recently do in our lab during the E-Learning class, the topic is Internet acronym or called as internet slang..First, I would to brief you a little bit about them. Internet acronym is a shortened words or keyboard symbols that is use during chat or sms with frenz…It is widely use by the generation knowadays…Erm, I can denied the fact that I’ve been using it too..(too lazy to type long words lorr…hehehehehe)
On the lab the other day, Miss Fara will give a topic on her facebook, then each group has to continue the topic using just internet acronym..Well, each group first found it difficult but after brainstorming with the team members, we managed to answer the topic and it was a fun activity for us.
Salam…In this journal entry, I will explain to you about search engine from my own understanding. It can be said that search engine is one of the most important tool while using internet… It simplify the way of searching information that we needed. There are many types of search engine but two of the famous search engine is Yahoo and Google. Below are the screen shot of Yahoo search engine..
Search engines provide us facilities that will help us in finding our infomation.. Take Yahoo for example, other than just searching for web, it also provide image, video,local, shopping and many more...It is also the same criteria for Google...That is why i said it simplify our search..and i have been using the search engine for years to come....
Halo and welcome guyz….We meet again in my next journal entry…In this journal entry I would like to share to about my experience playing an online gaming called Ragnarok.
First, I will tell to you a little bit about the game..Ragnarok Online often referred to as RO, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game or MMORPG created by GRAVITY Co., Ltd.Much of the game's mythos is based on Norse mythology, but its style and settings have been influenced by a wide variety of international cultures.
It features game play that is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, where players can create several characters per account, but can only control one character at a time.The basic game play involves killing monsters wandering around the game world in order to gain experience and level up. The game play is divided into three types, there are Player versus Player, Player versus Player Arenas and finally the greatest game play in Ragnarok that is War of Emperium. The game also has job system which the player can choose which character they want to control. There are swordsman, alcolyte, mage, thief, merchant and archer.
However, every game have it pros and cons. Here I listed some of the advantages and disadvantages….
Advantages :
·Learn about teamwork
·Can meet people from all around the world
·Help us release tension and build up our creativity.
There are 4 people I love the most in the late mom,my dad,my sisiter n my Princess,Rohayati..That's all about me..cuz in my life they are my everthing